Bug Fixes

Learn about bug fixes in ProcessMaker Platform Spring 2023.

These release notes document bug fixes addressed in ProcessMaker Platform Spring 2023.

Platform Fixes


  1. Scripts properly access the _parent variable value: When a child Request contains a Script Task, that Script Task properly accesses the value of the _parent variable value from the parent Request.

  2. Form Task elements with self-assignment retain its designated assignment after import: After importing a Process that contains a Form Task element configured for self-assignment, that Form Task element retains the designated Task assignee(s) for that Task.

  3. A Select List control properly retains its default value regarding dependent controls: When one Select List control depends on the value of another Select List control for its options, the primary Select List control properly retains its default value setting.

  4. PMQL performs search results more quickly: PMQL performs search results more quickly, even against large data sets.

  5. Calls to a Data Connector properly occur once: A nested Screen with a Record List control containing a Select List control in which its data source is a Data Connector, that Data Connector is called only when a row is edited in the Record List control.

Process Modeler

  1. Assigning a Sub Process element by a user ID value properly functions: Assigning to whom to assign a Sub Process element by a user ID now properly can be configured correctly. The Variable Name setting into which to enter the Request variable that provides the user ID properly displays.

Screen Builder

  1. Submit button is properly enabled on nested Screens with multiple pages: When a Screen with multiple pages is nested, and the Submit Button control is on a secondary page of that Screen, the Submit Button control properly functions.

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