Bug Fixes

Learn about bug fixes in ProcessMaker version 4.2 for ProcessMaker build 4.2.35.

These release notes document bug fixes addressed in ProcessMaker version 4.2.35.

ProcessMaker version 4.2.31 and later is compatible to upgrade from any ProcessMaker version 4.x. ProcessMaker version 4.2 introduces many new features and improvements that were introduced in ProcessMaker version 4.2.29.

See the following important sections that describe changes to ProcessMaker version 4.2.31 and later from previous ProcessMaker 4 versions:

See the following sections of ProcessMaker version 4.2.29 Release Notes:

Platform Fixes


  1. Calculated Properties in Screen Builder may reference JSON object values that include < characters within valid JSON strings.

  2. Calculated Properties properly multiply when a control has a default value of 0.

  3. When entering data in a Line Input control in a Screen, entered data to another Line Input control in the same Screen properly display.

  4. PMQL from a Select List control properly filters data acquired from a different Select List control on that Screen.

Enterprise Fixes

Actions By Email Package

  1. The email response from an Actions by Email recipient properly routes to the appropriate Task and records the response.

  2. The Actions by Email package does no longer sends error emails to mailer daemon in IMAP email servers that create an endless loop which require running the following as the work-around: php artisan package-actions-by-email:check-handler-process.

Dynamic UI Package

  1. Refreshing the web browser window displaying a dashboard properly refreshes that dashboard.

  2. Custom favicons display properly for users that start Requests via Web Entry.

Saved Searches Package

  1. List Chart types display a horizontal scroll bar.

Send Email Package

  1. Email notifications configured for any email server send for Form Task elements.

Translations Package

  1. Items in a translation may use the literal strings {{, }}, with text between these brackets that normally indicate mustache syntax referencing a Request variable (for example, {{ variable }}).

Web Entry Package

  1. A validation error does not occur when starting a Request via Web Entry, and the subsequent node is a Task with only a required Upload File control.

  2. Files that have been uploaded from a Request started via Web Entry may properly be downloaded from a subsequent Task.

  3. Create custom Web Entry URLs based on Request variable values in the JSON data model.

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