Bug Fixes

Learn about bug fixes in ProcessMaker Platform Summer 2023.

These release notes document bug fixes addressed in ProcessMaker Platform Summer 2023.


  1. Admin user who uploads files in a Request can delete the files in a subsequent Task assigned to a user with no permissions: If a user with the Make this user a Super Admin option uploads files to a Task in a Request, then the subsequent Task is assigned to a user with no permissions, the Admin user may properly delete the files in a subsequent Task.

  2. Additional loops may not be added from a Request summary: When viewing the Form tab in a Request summary, additional loops cannot be added even if the Task's Screen was configured to allow additional loops when the Task was in progress.

Data Connectors

  1. Authentication tokens for Data Connectors properly import: The authentication token for a Data Connector remains the same when importing into ProcessMaker Platform.

Dynamic UI

  1. Dashboards created by one Administrator may be edited by another: When a dashboard is created by an Administrator with the Make this user a Super Admin option, that dashboard can be edited by another.

  2. A Watcher properly runs correctly from a Screen used in a dashboard: A Watcher properly runs and displays an appropriate response when its Display-type Screen is used in a dashboard.

Email Notifications

  1. Screen used for an email notification properly imports with its Process: When a Form Task element is configured to use an email notification, the Screen used for that email notification properly imports into ProcessMaker Platform with its Process.

Process Modeler

  1. Screens available in a ProcessMaker Platform instance can be selected from a Form Task element: When selecting a Screen to be referenced by a Form Task element, all Screens within that ProcessMaker Platform instance display from the Screen for Input setting.

Saved Searches

  1. Saved Search functions without an error when shared with a user having no permissions: When a Saved Search is shared with a user having no permissions by a user with the Make this user a Super Admin option, the Saved Search functions without displaying a server error.

Screen Builder

  1. The Script Configuration setting does not remove line breaks from the JSON: After adding JSON into the Script Configuration setting for a Watcher, then saving the Watcher, line breaks remain intact when opening that Watcher again.

  2. A nested Screen that itself contains a loop with another nested Screen properly imports: When Screen properly imports into ProcessMaker Platform when it is designed as follows:

    • A Screen contains a Nested Screen control.

    • The Nested Screen control contains a Loop control, which itself contains another Nested Screen control.

    • The second Nested Screen control contains a Loop control, which contains controls.

  3. A Date Picker control's value cannot be removed when set to be read-only: The value for a Date Picker control that accepts its value from a Date Picker control in a previous Task cannot be removed.

  4. Files uploaded in a nested Screen and then viewed from the Request summary cannot be removed from the Request summary and then new files uploaded: After uploading files to a Nested Screen control containing File Upload controls, and then viewing those files in the Request summary's Form tab, those files cannot be removed and then new files uploaded.

  5. Validation rule for "Max Length" functions properly for Line Input controls: When a Line Input is set with a validation rule for maximum length for its value, a message properly displays to indicate the maximum number of characters has been exceeded for its value.

  6. HTML button in a Rich Text control properly starts a Request: When a Rich Text control is configured using an HTML button to reference a Process, the button properly starts a Request for that Process.

  7. Date Picker control properly displays the date selected to a user who is in an earlier time zone than entered by a previous user: The Date Picker control properly displays the date selected to a user who is in an earlier time zone than entered by a previous user.

Web Entry

  1. During an anonymous Web entry, Scripts run from properly from a Watcher in a nested Screen: During an anonymous Web entry, Scripts run properly from a Watcher in a nested Screen without an authentication error.

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