Bug Fixes

Learn about bug fixes to previously released features that have been addressed in ProcessMaker version 4.1 for ProcessMaker build 4.1.16.

These release notes document bug fixes addressed in ProcessMaker version 4.1.16.

ProcessMaker 4.1 is build 4.1.16. Release notes after this release are ProcessMaker 4.1.17 and later.

Hyperlinks to the issues in these release notes are not publicly available.

Actions By Email Package

  1. FOUR-2063: Emails distributed by the Actions By Email package properly display with CSS styling.

Auth Package

  1. FOUR-2102, FOUR-2306, FOUR-2488: The Auth package is compatible with ProcessMaker 4.1 core.

Collections Package

  1. FOUR-2484: ProcessMaker Collections export successfully.

  2. FOUR-2719: ProcessMaker Collections properly observes when a ProcessMaker user may access a Collection based on that user's group membership.


  1. FOUR-360, FOUR-853: The setting labels in screens used to create or edit ProcessMaker Process, Screen, and Script Categories are consistent with other corresponding setting labels in ProcessMaker core.

  2. FOUR-725, FOUR-1425, FOUR-1694, FOUR-2109, FOUR-2223: Several user interface and notification text translation issues are addressed.

  3. FOUR-1976: As improved ProcessMaker security, ProcessMaker users or group members that do not have permission to start Requests for a Process may no longer start Requests by manipulating the URL of that Process.

  4. FOUR-2033: A browser console error does not occur when logging on to ProcessMaker.

  5. FOUR-2091: Process models designed in a previous version of Process Modeler that contain no BPMN validation errors properly import to ProcessMaker 4.1 without validation errors.

  6. FOUR-2095, FOUR-2101: Processes may be exported or imported without a 500 error (Internal Server Error).

  7. FOUR-2127: When a ProcessMaker user that only has the Users category of permissions logs on, that user no longer receives a 403 error (Request Failed).

  8. FOUR-2159: During a Request, a ProcessMaker user with the Make this user a Super Admin setting can comment within and complete a Task, and then a different ProcessMaker user with this same setting enabled can comment and complete a subsequent Task without causing a console error.

  9. FOUR-2163: A browser console error does not occur when logging out of ProcessMaker.

  10. FOUR-2203: Process models properly export to BPMN without an exception error.

  11. FOUR-2213: A Task assignee that has completed her or his Task can no longer view nor complete the Task assigned to a different Request participant later in that Request.

  12. FOUR-2237: The GET script_id ProcessMaker endpoint properly returns the Script ID.

  13. FOUR-2316: A newly created ProcessMaker user that has the Groups and Users categories of permissions may create other ProcessMaker user accounts without receiving a This action is unauthorized error.

  14. FOUR-2321: Laravel Horizon functions with ProcessMaker 4.1 core.

  15. FOUR-2329: Script Executor builds correctly in JavaScript, PHP, and Lua without unexpected errors.

  16. FOUR-2381: Script Editor no longer displays a 500 error (Internal Server Error) after ProcessMaker is installed.

  17. FOUR-2333: Anonymous User is a properly hidden system user that cannot be selected or found when searching for ProcessMaker users.

  18. FOUR-2444: ProcessMaker Scripts run without showing a Laravel Passport error.

  19. FOUR-2447: PHP 7.4 deprecates array_key_exists() on objects.

  20. FOUR-2458: ProcessMaker installs correctly without an Access to undeclared static property error.

  21. FOUR-2467: After a ProcessMaker user that is a member of a group is deleted but not removed from that group, other members of that group may still start Requests for Processes in which members of that group may do so.

  22. FOUR-2516: ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) requires Laravel framework version 6.

  23. FOUR-2522: Request summaries load properly.

  24. FOUR-2693: The Laravel framework was updated to 6.20.12 for enhanced security.

  25. FOUR-2721: After a ProcessMaker Screen is selected for use in any drop-down menu that references Screens, that Screen may be unselected for use.

  26. FOUR-2735: The correct error message displays when attempting to change the email address for a ProcessMaker user when that email address is already used by another user.

  27. FOUR-2773: The ProcessMaker Screen configured when a Request ends properly displays.

  28. FOUR-2777: ProcessMaker users that have the View All Requests permission may properly view all Requests.

  29. FOUR-2779: Interstitial ProcessMaker Screens can be edited, including the default interstitial Screen called Screen Interstitial.

  30. FOUR-2796: When two different ProcessMaker users perform the same PMQL search query while one user has the Make this user a Super Admin setting, and the other has the View All Requests permission, the PMQL results are identical.

  31. FOUR-2798: When a ProcessMaker Screen uses a Loop control that contains one or more nested Screens within each loop, the nested Screen(s) display correctly.

  32. FOUR-2799: An imported Process retains which ProcessMaker user(s) or anonymous Web Entry may start Requests for that Process, thereby allowing subsequent Tasks to automatically display for assigned users after a Request starts.

  33. FOUR-2812: When a Process is exported, the Requester starter is retained when that Process is imported.

  34. FOUR-2841: The Screens page that contains the list of all ProcessMaker Screens loads the list more quickly even when more than 300 Screens are in that ProcessMaker instance.

  35. FOUR-2845: Processes in which a Start Event element, Start Timer Event element, and Start Signal Event element, each in its own Lane element, can start Requests without console errors.

  36. FOUR-2852: Adding an Exclusive Gateway element to an existing Process no longer causes an error when saving:

    • The Process model contains a Pool element with multiple Lane elements.

    • The outgoing Sequence Flow elements from the Exclusive Gateway element route to multiple Form Task elements.

    • Each Form Task element is in a separate Lane element from each other and the Exclusive Gateway element.

  37. FOUR-2863: PMQL syntax related to Task searches properly function.

  38. FOUR-2875: After a Request starts from a Start Event element, an interstitial ProcessMaker Screen properly displays while a Data Connector connector or Sub Process element completes until the next assigned Task loads.

  39. FOUR-2882: When a resource calls a ProcessMaker Collection or Saved Search that does not exist via the API, the API properly responds with the 404 error.

  40. FOUR-2886: Adding a valid name for a Lane element within a Pool element does not cause a validation error.

  41. FOUR-2887: Changing the color of a Sequence Flow element in a Process model does not cause a validation error.

Data Connector Package

  1. FOUR-1224: ProcessMaker Data Connectors cannot have the same name.

  2. FOUR-1633: All strings in the Data Connector package are properly translated to supported non-English languages.

  3. FOUR-2695: Outbound data configurations for ProcessMaker Data Connector connectors can be edited and saved.

  4. FOUR-2709: The error message that displays when the data mapped for a ProcessMaker Data Connector is not configured correctly is improved.

  5. FOUR-2710: When configuring a Watcher in a ProcessMaker Screen, changing the Watcher from using a Data Connector to another data source properly removes the Data Connector configurations for the Watcher.

  6. FOUR-2716: During Requests in which a Data Connector connector triggers immediately after a Signal Start Event element completes does not cause the Request to error.

  7. FOUR-2877 and FOUR-2936: Processes that use an older version of the Data Connector package properly work with current Process models.

Dynamic UI Package

  1. FOUR-2739: Custom CSS properly displays in ProcessMaker Screens used for a dashboard.

  2. FOUR-2795: ProcessMaker users that have all Collection-related permissions redirect properly to a ProcessMaker Collection to which those users have access from a custom menu item that links to that Collection.

File Manager Package

  1. FOUR-1978: ProcessMaker users that do not have the Make this user a Super Admin setting but have commenting permissions can view comments from which they are tagged when those comments pertain to PDF files generated by PDF Generator connectors stored in the File Manager tab during Requests.

  2. FOUR-2241: Files uploaded to the Public folder may properly be renamed.

  3. FOUR-2261: ProcessMaker users that do not have the Make this user a Super Admin setting can access the Public folder.

  4. FOUR-2343: The Public and Shared with Me folders display all files within those folders.

PDF Generator Package

  1. FOUR-2064: Boundary Conditional Event elements properly function from PDF Generator connectors during Requests.

Process Modeler

  1. FOUR-1773: Process Modeler no longer considers a Lane element within a Pool element as unreachable when it checks the workflow in a Process model.

  2. FOUR-2050: After changing a Sub Process element that has an associated boundary-type event to a Form Task element, the boundary-type event properly disappears and no validation errors occur.

  3. FOUR-2130: The Email Notifications panel for Form Task and Manual Task elements expands properly when the Email Package is installed in that ProcessMaker instance.

  4. FOUR-2271: The extra padding to the left of the Process Modeler panels to configure elements and connectors has been removed.

  5. FOUR-2424: The helper text below the Value setting in the Flow Variable group settings is removed. This setting still supports mustache syntax to specify the value for the configured Request variable.

  6. FOUR-2544: Boundary Message Event elements are enabled for a Form Task elements.

  7. FOUR-2697: Deleting Sequence Flow elements outgoing from a previously saved Process model can be saved again without causing an error.

  8. FOUR-2911: Manual Tasks properly cannot use self-service. Self-service is designed only for Form Task elements.

  9. FOUR-2913: Process Modeler properly only allows selecting ProcessMaker groups as eligibility for self-service Tasks.

Process Optimization Package

  1. FOUR-2051: Workflow can be evaluated properly for Process models that use a Conditional Start Event element after clicking the Check Flow button.

SAML Package

  1. FOUR-2325: A ProcessMaker user that logs on via SAML properly logs out at the end of the session.

  2. FOUR-2481: If the SAML package attempts to automatically create a ProcessMaker user in which its user name already exists in that instance, the warning that displays is more legible.

Saved Searches Package

  1. FOUR-1341: When a ProcessMaker user that receives Saved Search notifications changes the account email address, that user receives notifications to the new email address.

  2. FOUR-1614: Saved Search results may properly be emailed to multiple email recipients.

  3. FOUR-1939: ProcessMaker users that have no permissions can view both the Saved Search results and Saved Search Charts pertaining to a Saved Search shared with them.

  4. FOUR-2094: Count charts show the correct number of items filtered from the Saved Search results that each Count Chart is based.

  5. FOUR-2551: List-type Saved Search charts sort the newest item first by default.

  6. FOUR-2793: The Add Record button displays to add a new record to a ProcessMaker Collection when viewing Saved Search results of that Collection.

  7. FOUR-2794: After editing a ProcessMaker Collection record from a Saved Search, the saved Collection record properly redirects to the Saved Search results.

  8. FOUR-2910: A Saved Search does not default to a Self Service search parameter when a Self Service Task has not been self-assigned by a ProcessMaker user.

  9. FOUR-2921: List-type Saved Search Charts properly return search results.

Screen Builder

  1. FOUR-682: The email body properly contains line breaks in plain-text email bodies for Saved Search emailed reports.

  2. FOUR-1243: If a validation rule contains special characters in its name, the message to confirm deletion of that validation rule properly displays those special characters in the name.

  3. FOUR-1871: Screen Builder control validation rules are alphabetized.

  4. FOUR-1909: The table columns of submitted record lists via a Record List control are sortable.

  5. FOUR-1972: Date Picker controls that are configured to display dates in the same format do so regardless of whether those Date Picker controls are on a ProcessMaker Screen page referenced by a Record List control or not.

  6. FOUR-2073: Select List controls properly display special characters in options when their data source is a ProcessMaker Collection that uses special characters in their records.

  7. FOUR-2082: The Signature control properly displays an entered signature when that Signature control is on a ProcessMaker Screen page referenced by a Record List control.

  8. FOUR-2110: Custom CSS designed in the Custom CSS screen properly affects Screen Builder controls in both Design and Preview modes.

  9. FOUR-2132 and FOUR-2659: Select List controls properly reference content and values from nested Request data as its options. The nested Request data may be referenced without mustache syntax. For example, Request data nested within a JSON object data.user.name may be referenced using {{ data.user.name }} or data.user.name.

  10. FOUR-2169: Select List controls show their options when referencing filtered data using PMQL from another Select List control on that ProcessMaker Screen.

  11. FOUR-2183: Request data properly passes to Select List controls so that Select List controls can read data from another ProcessMaker Screen control using mustache syntax.

  12. FOUR-2191: Setting labels for the File Upload control are consistent with other common setting labels in Screen Builder.

  13. FOUR-2192: The helper text for the File Name setting in the File Preview control has been updated to Enter the File Upload control's Variable Name to preview the file instead of Mustache variable to render.

  14. FOUR-2210: Watchers run each time a Select List control's value is selected or changed, including the first time.

  15. FOUR-2221: Calculated Properties function with the controls in the ProcessMaker Screen page that a Record List control references.

  16. FOUR-2771: ProcessMaker Screen Watchers run properly when that Screen is opened for a Task started from Web Entry.

  17. FOUR-2257: The Rich Text control supports mustache syntax within an img src HTML tag to reference the image source location of an image to display in the Rich Text control.

  18. FOUR-2258: Screen Builder uses vue-bootstrap tables that replaces vie-table dependencies.

  19. FOUR-2264: Default values properly populate ProcessMaker Screen controls in Tasks when a Request starts.

  20. FOUR-2265: A ProcessMaker Screen control that is hidden by a visibility rule has its data stored in that Request's data.

  21. FOUR-2269: When clicking the Preview button to enter Preview mode, Screen Builder resets the preview prior to previewing the ProcessMaker Screen.

  22. FOUR-2273: Submit button controls that are configured as regular buttons set the value configured for that control instead of functioning as an incremental counter.

  23. FOUR-2293: The Rich Text control's user interface to design WYSIWYG rich text is available in Design mode.

  24. FOUR-2294: The File Upload and File Upload controls are available in Design mode.

  25. FOUR-2300: Calculated Properties properly uses the _user.timezone Magic Variable to calculate a property.

  26. FOUR-2301: Screen Builder previews a ProcessMaker Screen without displaying an error.

  27. FOUR-2313: Watchers run correctly in Preview mode when their source is data from a ProcessMaker Collection acquired through a Data Connector.

  28. FOUR-2340: Controls that are placed into a Multicolumn/Table control in which each of its columns has a colspan setting of 2 may properly be copied or deleted.

  29. FOUR-2463, FOUR-2499: The Record List control no longer stores the Variable Name setting for controls that it references in the root of the JSON object and as individual JSON objects of the Request data, thereby preventing multiple instances of that variable from being referenced.

  30. FOUR-2507: Screen Builder controls in Design mode sort alphabetically.

  31. FOUR-2691: A ProcessMaker user who does not have the Make this use a Super Admin setting may properly use Watchers in a Task as long as that user is allowed to start Requests for its Process.

  32. FOUR-2698: Visibility rules properly function for nested ProcessMaker Screens.

Vocabularies Package

  1. FOUR-1983: ProcessMaker accepts a valid JSON schema either when a ProcessMaker Vocabulary is created or when editing an existing Vocabulary from that Vocabulary's Code tab.

  2. FOUR-2502: A ProcessMaker Vocabulary that previews properly in a ProcessMaker Screen in Screen Builder also properly validates data in a Request Task that uses that Vocabulary in that Screen.

Web Entry Package

  1. FOUR-2098: The specified ProcessMaker Screen displays after a Task started from Web Entry completes.

  2. FOUR-2540: Requests started from Web Entry in which the subsequent Task immediately displays properly function.

  3. FOUR-2648: The Task for an Intermediate Web Entry properly opens during Requests that start from anonymous Web Entry.

  4. FOUR-2701: When a request started via Web Entry Task completes, the default ProcessMaker Screen that thanks the user for completing the Request properly displays.

  5. FOUR-2702: When a file is uploaded via a Web Entry Task, that file is referenced by the file ID instead of the file name. Files uploaded during a non-Web Entry Task are also referenced by their file IDs.

  6. FOUR-2707: An embedded Web Entry URL in a web site properly displays the Web Entry Task when starting a Request.

  7. FOUR-2717: ProcessMaker Screen Watchers run properly when that Screen is opened for a Task started from Web Entry.

  8. FOUR-2724: Requests started by Web Entry in that Task contains a Saved Search Chart do not cause a console error.

  9. FOUR-2820: A Request cannot be started anonymously by a ProcessMaker user currently logged on.

  10. FOUR-2821: Tasks via Web Entry properly adjust to the width of the browser window and are not restricted to a specific width.

  11. FOUR-2844: When a Process is imported to another ProcessMaker instance, the Web Entry settings for whom has permission to start a Request of that Process are retained.

Last updated

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