Bug Fixes

Learn about bug fixes to previously released features that have been addressed in ProcessMaker version 4.1 for ProcessMaker build 4.1.19.

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Bug fix descriptions for ProcessMaker 4.1.19

These release notes document bug fixes addressed in ProcessMaker version 4.1.19.

  1. Competing Watchers can properly reference each other.

  2. Records that display with an misconfigured column do not break the Screen.

  3. Watchers properly reference multi-level nested data.

  4. Screen record lists properly access rows in paginated results.

  5. Screen multi-select type ahead functionality layout fixed.

  6. BPMN assignments are not lost if the server does not respond.

  7. Validation rules properly function with nested multi-level Screens.

  8. Screen variables with underscores are fixed.

Last updated

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